Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Baby Blues

No this is not a post about my horribly loud ticking biological clock.  Well, not really.  It's more about my fears of that clock.

At youth group on Sunday we had movie night and watched Facing the Giants.  Now, this was no Academy Award winning movie.  The kids loved it but even they will admit that it had horrible acting.  The thing that me was the one plot line about the couple not being able to have a baby. 

I have no idea why that hit me so hard.  It seems the older I get the more I worry about if I'll be able to have kids.  Not just if I will, but can I?  I know that more and more people are getting married later and having kids later just fine.  And my parents just had to think about having kids and they got pregnant so fertile genes run in my family.  But what if it was just them?  What if I have problems getting pregnant when I ever meet Prince Charmingenough?  What if I can't ever have my own kids because I'm just too old? 

Never mind the train of though that I may not meet Prince Charmingenough until I'm 40 and all my eggs have shriveled up and there is no chance of getting pregnant.  That's a whole different can of worms to worry about but I'm pretty sure I could babble on and on about how hard dating is these days (and I probably will when I'm having a crappy single day) but thats not the issue today.
Am I the only person who worries about things like this?  Or at least the only single chick who does?  I would understand this being a concern if I was married and trying and having a hard time.  Why am I worried about stuff that really doesn't matter right now?  Especially when 99.9% of the time I'm worried about preventing pregnancy!

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